
Baby’s Food

:                               Baby’s  food is which food we told that’s food are comfortable for baby’s body .
All of baby are soft and of course food should be able soft .Then this food good for a baby’s .Then need be carefully for this section And See the below details 
Baby's for first food :    For the first six months of breast milk
is this only food that your baby needs to grow and be healthy . Breastfeeding is the normal way to feed babbles .
If you give your baby any other food , including infant formula , you will make lass breast milk .
if you stop breastfeeding, It's will be hard to start breastfeeding again .Then your Baby can be  fowled in some treble .

So you need to follow us for this :

  •  Breastfeeding is healthy, natural, convenient, and free feed .And it's also a good way to bond with your baby .

  •  Breast milk contains antibodies that lower the chance of your baby getting infections .

  •  Mother who breastfeed have less risk of breast cancer, and ovarian caner .

Breastfeed babies need 10 micrograms of vitamin D each day, Continue to give a vitamin D supplement until your baby is  at least one year old.
And if possible then you can able to continue to breastfeed until your baby is two years old or more .Cause breastfeed is GOOD for a baby's body .
The longer you breastfeed, The more benefits you and your baby get .If you are thinking about using infect formula, get all the facts first .
Breast milk protects your baby's health .