
You Can Make Many Kinds Of Recipe At Home !!!

Read on our some of tips for your help and try to know by belows descriptions. We are try to give some of knowledged from our site .

You Can Eat Or Make Decision What Food Is Good For Your Health

Now if you want you can learn from here what's food as you need for your body and those age by age you want to eat .Make good food and be healthy :)

Choose Your Good Food And Be Healthy And Enjoy Your Happy Life

Food is good for our human body and it's keep save our life BUT major part is our should be choosed food and healthy food

Need Security And Safety For Our Eating Food

We are all time avoid this type of part which is Safety .When we are go on to eat or food related work those time we are don't be Safe then it's be a harmful effect for body by hidely .So be carefully

Most Food Of Source Is Fruit . Fruit Is Good And A Healthy Product For Our Human Body .

Many people are like to eat Fruit .And Fruit are most vitamin in our world .Every ages are man can eat fruit .and if you want you can alive by eat kinds of fruit .It's not bad for our body BUT good fruit is the best not eat any bad or dangerous fruit .

Baby’s Food

:                               Baby’s  food is which food we told that’s food are comfortable for baby’s body .
All of baby are soft and of course food should be able soft .Then this food good for a baby’s .Then need be carefully for this section And See the below details 
Baby's for first food :    For the first six months of breast milk
is this only food that your baby needs to grow and be healthy . Breastfeeding is the normal way to feed babbles .
If you give your baby any other food , including infant formula , you will make lass breast milk .
if you stop breastfeeding, It's will be hard to start breastfeeding again .Then your Baby can be  fowled in some treble .

So you need to follow us for this :

  •  Breastfeeding is healthy, natural, convenient, and free feed .And it's also a good way to bond with your baby .

  •  Breast milk contains antibodies that lower the chance of your baby getting infections .

  •  Mother who breastfeed have less risk of breast cancer, and ovarian caner .

Breastfeed babies need 10 micrograms of vitamin D each day, Continue to give a vitamin D supplement until your baby is  at least one year old.
And if possible then you can able to continue to breastfeed until your baby is two years old or more .Cause breastfeed is GOOD for a baby's body .
The longer you breastfeed, The more benefits you and your baby get .If you are thinking about using infect formula, get all the facts first .
Breast milk protects your baby's health .

Dog’s Food

                Dogs exhibit omnivorous feeding behavior and therefore their diet should be comprised of proteins,
carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water in the correct proportions. A dog food that meets
these requirements is called a “Complete” or “Balanced” diet. The amount of food a dog requires
depends on the animal’s age, breed, gender, activity, temperament, environment and metabolism.


Comprised of 23 different amino acids, proteins are often called the “building blocks” of the tissues. The
dog’s body can manufacture 13 of these amino acids. The other 10 amino acids, however, must come
from dietary meat and plant sources and are called the “essential amino acids”. The biological value of a protein is a measure of that protein’s ability to supply amino acids, particularly
the 10 essential amino acids, and to supply these amino acids in the proper proportions. In general,
animal proteins (meat, by-product meal) have higher biological value than vegetable proteins (soybean meal, corn gluten meal).


Fats are used to supply energy, essential fatty acids, and transport the fat-soluble Vitamins A, D, E and K. In addition, fats make a diet more palatable to a dog.Fats help to maintain a healthy skin and haircoat. However, if a dog’s diet is very high in fat it may
result in the dog eating an excessive amount of energy that may predispose to weight gain and obesity.
If the fat becomes rancid, it destroys Vitamins E and A, and linoleic acid, leading to deficiencies of
these essential nutrients. Commercial dog foods contain special natural or synthetic additives called
“antioxidants” to prevent fat rancidity and prolong shelf-life.


Carbohydrates provide energy and are made up primarily of sugars, starches and cellulose (fiber).
Carbohydrates are supplied in the diet from plant sources such as grains and vegetables. The sugars
are 100 percent digestible. Starches, which are the largest part of most plant carbohydrates, need to be cooked before they can be digested and utilized by the dog. Cellulose is not digestible, but it is used for its fiber content in the diet, which helps prevent constipation, diarrea and maintain gastroint estinal health.
Carbohydrates are a direct source of energy and are also protein-sparing nutrients. Without carbohydrates and fats, the dog’s body must convert protein to glucose to obtain energy; consequently, these proteins are no longer available for the building and maintenance of lean body tissues


Vitamins are necessary for many of the body’s chemical reactions. Fat-soluble Vitamins A, D, E and K need fat in the diet to be absorbed by the body. The B-complex vitamins dissolve in water and are readily absorbed by the body. Vitamin C also dissolves in water, but it is not needed in the canine diet
because dogs can make it themselves.“Complete” and “Balanced” commercial dog foods don’t need additional vitamin supplementation for most normal dogs.


Minerals are needed by the body for structural building and chemical reactions. Like vitamins, minerals
are supplied in the correct proportions in “Complete” and “Balanced” commercial dog foods. Damage can be done by over supplementation. This is particularly true for calcium and phosphorus, because the
proportions of these two minerals must be supplied to the dog in the proper ratios for nutritional health.


Water is the most important nutrient for all animals. Healthy dogs regulate their water intake so long as
clean and fresh water is always available. A dog can lose all its body fat and half of its protein and survive; but if it loses only one-tenth of its water, the dog may not survive. Feeding a Balanced Diet Dogs require a diet that regularly includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water
for proper nutrition. Of equal importance is the balance of these nutrients in the diet. A
commercial dog food is the most convenient method of ensuring a dog receives these ingredients in correct proportions

Food Safety & Security

                        When we eat any kinds of food then our body is some time flow in danger .That’s cause Of course should be care about food safety & security .If you don’t be careful then you can got a bad result on your heath and with as soon as .So be carefully And learn more by bellows interdiction ..

Food Safety tips :

Most of the fruits and vegetables consumed in the United States are wholesome and free of pathogens (microbes that cause foodborne illness). Many fruits and vegetables have natural barriers, such as skins and rinds, that protect the internal edible parts from contamination with pathogens.

However, contamination of fruits and vegetables can occur any time from planting through food preparation. Most pathogens can be killed by cooking, but they are difficult to remove by washing from fruits and vegetables that are eaten raw. Therefore, prevention of microbial contamination is the most effective way to maximize the safety of fruits and vegetables.

While most individuals can recover from foodborne illness without complications, others such as the very young, the very old, and those whose immune system are compromised, are at greater risk and can suffer serious complications and even death.

The home garden is not free from pathogens. The best approach to maintaining the wholesome nature of your home garden’s harvest is to be aware of potential risks and establish commonsense practices that will minimize the chance of contamination

take steps to minimize
their presence or activities. During the growing
• and harvest seasons, keep domestic animals and pets out of the edible garden area. Carefully consider whether weed-eating
• geese or pest-eating ducks and chickens are sensible additions to your garden. Feces from these animals can contain pathogens. Minimize vegetation at the edges of fruit
• and vegetable patches. They can serve as gathering, nesting, or hiding places for animals (rats, mice, etc.) that serve as vectors (sources) of human pathogens. Minimize the presence of vector attractants
• (such as piles of decaying fruit and vegetables) adjacent to your garden. Keep harvest equipment surfaces (bins,
• totes, gloves, boxes, buckets, bushel baskets) clean and sanitary.


Be informed about proper home compost management for pathogen reduction, especially if you are using animal manures

And also other some of tips there are :


• Freeze fresh chicken as soon as possible to maintain quality.
• Use moisture proof wrap or bags when freezing chicken and
label packages with the content and date it was frozen.
• Thaw frozen chicken:
in the refrigerator
in cold water, changing every 30 minutes
in the microwave
• NEVER thaw chicken at room temperature
• The time needed to cook chicken depends upon the cut and size.
• Your chicken is thoroughly cooked when:

1. The chicken meat is no longer pink inside and
2. The meat juices run clear.
You can use a food thermometer to check the temperature at the
centre of the thickest part of the meat. When it reaches 75 ÂșC, it
is thoroughly cooked

Foods Stamps

Follow these simple steps to apply for food stamp benefits.

If you have a disability or need help completing this
application, please let a worker know and someone will help

Step 1:
Fill out as much of this application as you can, sign on
page 1, and return it to the local food stamp office. We need at
least your name, address and signature.
If you are without
y for food, you may be able to get emergency food
stamp benefits in three (3) days.You need to answer all
checked (
) questions on all pages.

Step 2:
ou will be scheduled for an interview with a food
stamp worker who will go over this application with you and will
ask you more questions to complete the application process.

Step 3:
You must bring proof of identification and income to your
interview. You should bring other items as well, such as rent
receipts, utility bills, or paycheck stubs. If you do not report and
provide proof of expenses, no deduction from your income will
be allowed for those expenses.
Food Stamp Benefits

Application For
You can apply for and get food stamp benefits for eligible family members, even if
your family includes other members who are not eligible because of immigration
status. For example, immigrant parents may apply for food stamp benefits for their
U.S. citizen or qualified immigrant children, even though the parents may not be
eligible for benefits.
You do not have to provide immigration status information, social security numbers,
or documents for any family members who are not eligible for food stamp benefits
because of immigration status and who are not asking for food stamp benefits.
Using food stamp benefits will not affect your immigration status or the immigration
status of your family. Immigration information is private and confidential.