It’s have to need include carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals.
Food are : All of food are to be some type of substance .There are By-Cooking, Fruit, By-Boiling, By-Burning etc. Then we are able to eat .That’s are …
- asparagus
- apples
- avacado
- alfalfa
- acorn squash (NOPE: this is actually an ‘S’)
- almond
- arugala
- artichoke
- applesauce
- asian noodles (NOPE, an ‘N’)
- antelope
- ahi tuna (NOPE: this is actually a ‘T’)
- albacore tuna
- Apple juice
- Avocado roll
- Bruscetta
- bacon
- black beans
- bagels
- baked beans
- bison
- barley
- beer
- bisque
- bluefish
- bread
- broccoli
- buritto
- babaganoosh
- Cabbage
- cake
- carrots
- carne asada
- celery
- cheese
- chicken
- catfish
- chips
- chocolate
- chowder
- clams
- coffee
- cookies
- corn
- cupcakes
- crab
- curry
- cereal
- chimichanga
- dates
- dips
- duck
- dumplings
- donuts
- eggs
- enchilada
- eggrolls
- English muffins
- edimame
- eel sushi
- fajita
- falafel
- fish (might be too vague)
- franks
- fondu
- French toast
- French dip
- Garlic
- ginger
- gnocchi
- goose
- granola
- grapes
- green beans
- Guancamole
- gumbo
- grits
- Graham crackers
- ham
- halibut
- hamburger (and cheeseburgers and bacon cheeseburgers)
- honey
- huenos rancheros
- hash browns
- hot dogs
- haiku roll
- hummus
- ice cream
- Irish stew
- Indian food
- Italian bread
- jambalaya
- jelly / jam
- jerky
- jalapeƱo
- kale
- kabobs
- ketchup
- kiwi
- kidney beans
- kingfish
- lobster
- Lamb
- Linguine
- Lasagna
- Meatballs
- Moose
- Milk
- Milkshake
- Noodles
- Ostrich
- Pizza
- Pepperoni
- Porter
- Pancakes
- Quesadilla
- Quiche
- Reuben
- Spinach
- Spaghetti
- Tater tots
- Toast
- ? (any ideas)
- Venison
- Waffles
- Wine
- Walnuts
- Yogurt
- Ziti
- Zucchini
And you need to know about those are Is it are allowed by a doctor or scientist science , and also need to knows to is it how much right or good for our body or how much wrong or harmful for our body.